Introduction: Acting, Casually and Theoretically Speaking, Aaron Taylor I. Aesthetics: Understanding and Interpreting Film Acting 1. Acting Matters: Noting Performance in Three Films, Brenda Austin-Smith 2. Living Meaning: The Fluency of Film Performance, Andrew Klevan 3. Play-Acting: A Theory of Comedic Performance, Alex Clayton 4. Performed Performance and The Man Who Knew Too Much, Murray Pomerance 5. Brando Sings! The Invincible Star Persona, George Toles II. Reception: Film Acting, Audiences and Communities 6. "Look at Me!": A Phenomenology of Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, Joerg Sternagel 7. Is Acting a Form of Simulation or Being? Acting and Mirror Neurons, William Brown 8. The Bond That Unbinds By Binding: Acting Mythology and the Film Community, Kevin Esch 9. From Being to Acting: Performance in Cult Cinema, Ernest Mathijs 10. Acting and Performance in Home Movies and Amateur Films, Liz Czach III. Culture: Film History, Industry and the Vicissitudes of Star Acting 11. Story and Show: The Basic Contradiction of Film Star Acting, Paul McDonald 12. The Screen Actor’s "First Self" and "Second Self": John Wayne and Coquelin’s Acting Theory, Sharon Marie Carnicke 13. Acting Like a Star: Florence Turner, Picture Personality, Charlie Keil 14. Niche Stars and Acting "Gay," Christine Holmlund IV. Apparatus: Technology, Film Form and the Actor 15. What Becomes of the Camera in the World on Film? William Rothman 16. Sonic Bodies: Listening as Acting, Jennifer M. Barker 17. Dance of the Übermarionettes: Toward a Contemporary Screen Actor Training, Sean Aita 18. Articulating Digital Stardom, Barry King
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