An absorbing work
- John Norris, Gun Mart & Militaria Mart magazine
<p>Number 120 in the Osprey Duel series, an 80-page soft-cover book in the usual style for this series with plenty of archive images, maps and colour artwork.<br />An opening Introduction sets the scene, along with a Chronology of key events. Then come the Design & Development story for both the German & the Soviet machines. The SU 152 was built on the KV chassis, while the ISU 152 was built on the IS tank chassis. The SU/ISU 152 was not built with the idea of a Tiger destroyer, more as an infantry support weapon capable of tackling fortifications. This is followed by an examination of the Technical Specifications, including the details of the guns, sights, ammunition, armour protection etc. There are some nice colour illustrations of the different ammunition rounds used by the German and Soviet vehicles, helpful detail for modellers. Combatants is the next section, looking at the units and organisation used by each side, before tackling several examples of Combat clashes which are described, such as the Belgorod-Kharkov Offensive in August 1943, Cherkassy in January-February 1944, Pleskau in April 1944 and Memel in October 1944, among others. That leaves just enough room for a closing Analysis.<br />The two vehicles being considered are different in many ways, a turreted tank against a turretless SPG, albeit with a large calibre weapon. Interesting text throughout and some useful archive images to support the narrative, along with the good quality artwork by Ian Palmer.<br />Thanks to Osprey for our review copy.</p>
- Robin Buckland, Military Model Scene