<p>“Within the large pool of literature on the Holocaust, I rate Paul Martin Neurath’s The Society of Terror as a must read.” Jewish Book World <br /><br />"The Society of Terror is marked by the precision and elegance of its psychological observation and literary quality." <br /> The Frankfurter Allgem eine Zeitung <br /><br />"The Society of Terror by Paul Neurath is a timeless, brilliant first-hand account of the author's incarceration in Dachau and Buchenwald. One of the most compelling presentations of the heights and depths, the heroism and evil, that the human condition is capable of attaining. " <br /> Charles W. Smith, Professor of Sociology, Queens College and Graduate Center, CUNY <br /><br />"With a sociologist's eye and a prisoner's harrowing memories, Paul Neurath leads us throught the Nazi concentration camps of Dachau and Buchenwald. He combines his painful, subjective experiences with a keen understanding of the camps' social systems and illuminates how the society of terror functioned. Neurath shows how "the cruelty of hell" and "all the madness of a lunatic asylum" could be "expected at any minute" and became part of the ordinary world of camp inmates. The editors, Christian Fleck and Nico Stehr, are to be congratulated for bringing this important amalgamation of scholarship and memoir to light." <br /> Marion Kaplan, author of Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi Germany and Skirball Professor of Modern Jewish History, NYU</p>