<p><strong>'This is a paella of a book: tasty bits for those who know what they want.'</strong> - <em>Spectator</em><br /><br /><strong>'Impressively erudite and characteristically well researched, and provides a fresh perspective on a century that was truly the best and worse of times.'</strong> - <em>Kirkus Reviews</em><br /><br /><strong>'This provides a fine, accessible history of the period, including photos and maps as it examines and reconstructs the Byzantine Empire's history. College-level students will find it an appealing study.'</strong> - <em>The Bookwatch</em><br /><br /><strong>'The general student and specialist can read </strong><em>From Rome to Byzantium</em><strong> with interest and profit.'</strong> - <em>Speculum-A Journal of Medieval Studies</em></p>