<p><strong>'This vivacious and edifying publication on hip hop language and linguistics has the energetic and dynamic elements of its subject matter.'</strong> <em>Journal of Folklore Research</em></p><p><strong>'As intimidating as linguistic scholarship can be to the non-linguist-centered readers, Alim writes with such clarity that the technical aspects of linguistic study are relayed sensibly and not overshadowed by academic jargon or guild-centered writing.'</strong> <em>Journal of Folklore Research</em></p><p><strong>'Overall, <em>Roc the Mic Right</em> succeeds in proving that Hip Hop Linguistics (HHLx) is a valuable field of study, teaching us not only about the art form itself, but also about life, culture, and language in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Furthermore, the passion that Alim and those he quotes have for hip-hop makes this a fun book, even for a lay audience.'</strong> <em>- Nancy Effinger Wilson</em></p>