Race and Religion among the Chosen Peoples of Crown Heights is a richly sustained and critically insightful ethnography of the Lubavitch community in Crown Heights. Henry Goldschmidt has done an excellent job of creating an account that reflects the Lubavitchers' worldview and simultaneously gives voice to their neighbors.
- Jonathan Boyarin, Distinguished Profesor of Modern Jewish Studies, University of Kansas
This volume is an excellently written and researched look at Crown Heights, Brooklyn, and the Jewish communities that live there: the orthodox Lubavitch and the African Americans who consider themselves to be descendents of ancient Hebrew Israelites. An incredibly important contribution to religious studies, critical race theory, anthropology, and urban studies, Goldschmidt has produced a powerful work that will be read and appreciated by academics and general readers alike.
- John L. Jackson, Jr., author of Real Black: Adventures in Racial Sincerity