"This splendid volume should stand as the definitive treatment of Prang and his work." -- -Gary W. Gallagher University of Virginia "Editor Holzer is author of 19 books and some 300 articles about the art and political culture of the Civil War era. Although not a specialist in the work of Prang, Holzer is probably the best person to write this book on the series of Civil War battle chromolithographs that Prang published in the 1880s. In addition to knowing the period inside out, Holzer has the ability to bring the period to life for today's readers. He has demonstrated this over and over again, especially as a public speaker on Abraham Lincoln and in his position as director of communications at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. In this book, Holzer does not disappoint. He makes the reader very curious as to why chromos of Civil War battles were so popular in American homes in the 1880s, and then offers a well-researched, yet lively, explanation for the phenomenon. This book is important, both as a worthy scholarly addendum to Katherine Morrison McClinton's ground-breaking The Chromolithographs of Louis Prang (CH, May'74), and as a vehicle for creating more public interest in the almost forgotten art of chromolithography. Highly recommended. General readers; lower-division undergraduates through faculty." -Choice "Prang's Civil War Pictures proves yet again that the editor is the foremost expert on the iconography of America's Middle Period. Holzer is witty and perceptive when he shares with us the talent of Louis Prang whose Civil War 'pictures' made him a household name. Beautifully illustrated, this book will captivate anyone interested in the Civil War or nineteenth century art." -- -Chief Justice Frank J. Williams Chair, The Lincoln Forum