<p>"<i>The Northern Lands</i> is a learned work, and its premises are thought-provoking, but it is not quite the synthesis that readers might expect." (<i>English Historical Review</i>, 2012)</p> <p>"<i>The Northern Lands</i> is an unusual, brave, and challenging work of a sort to be attempted only by a widely read medievalist . . . more generous-minded medievalists, whatever their special interests, will benefit from reading and pondering this bold, interesting, and valuable book." (<i>Speculuma Journal of Medieval Studies</i>, 1 July 2010)</p> <p>"Well worth reading, and has to be acknowledged as a significant contribution to the writings on northern European history." (<i>The Medieval Review</i>, February 2010)</p> <p>"Nicholas's scholarly range in this work is impressive." (<i>Alpata</i>, Spring 2010)</p> <p>"The frequent citations to an extensive bibliography make this a valuable reference and resource for collections in English history or other national surveys." (<i>CHOICE</i>, September 2009)</p>