A valuable, and often lively, account of a crucial aspect of modern China. -- Gideon Rachman Financial Times A future world where the Chinese are at peace with their own past seems a long way away. But that is the place, as this useful study of such a difficult area, where we need to get to. -- Kerry Brown Asian Review of Books This work is highly recommended for general readers as well as Asia scholars. It is a must for any serious library collection on Asia. Essential. Choice A must-read for anyone interested in post-Tiananmen Chinese nationalism. -- Robert Weatherley e-IR Wang gives us a critically important book that provides a solid blueprint for understanding contemporary China. -- Daniel Metraux Virginia Review of Asian Studies A timely addition to the fast-expanding literature on Chinese nationalism. -- Xiangfeng Yang Pacific Affairs a vivid and well-informed study of post-Mao nationalism and Chinese foreign policy... -- Edward Friedman China Quarterly A timely and well-researched book, Never Forget National Humiliation qualifies as a landmark in the study of Chinese nationalism. H-Diplo