General interest in Saudi national security has become more apparent following al Qaeda attacks in the kingdom in May 2000. Events since then have brought Saudi security even more into the discussion of the war on terror, making this volume timely. The authors cite several factors for Saudi concerns regarding external threats. For one, Iraq became unstable after the American invasion, and this was accompanied by the collapse of its military. Yemen, a neighboring state, shows signs of instability as well. Should it become radicalized, it could change the situation dramatically. The most attention is paid to the Iranian military strength and its modernization program, which is covered in great detail. Also treated extensively is the issue of energy security, dealing with Saudi Arabia's precious oil reserves. The collection of comparative military data for the entire Persian Gulf region, enhanced further by graphs and tables, gathered because of serious access to sensitive Saudi national authorities, makes this work an essential reference item for any serious military analysis of the area. Essential for any library with a military or Middle East collection. Upper-division undergraduate and above.
[A]nthony Cordesman and Nawaf Obaid, longtime students of Saudi Arabia and its security apparatus have delivered a thorough, sober (and sobering), and wide-ranging assessment of the threats to Saudi Arabia's security, the Kingdom's ability to respond to those threats, its armed forces and police, and its organizational competence, or lack thereof….[t]his book is an indispensable guide to the critical issues facing a critical country, written by authors who know what they are talking about. They are sympathetic to the Kingdom, but harshly critical of its performance in crucial areas. In their estimation, the House of Saud endures not because it is strong but because its enemies are even weaker.
Middle East Journal
The book's strength lies in its detailed discussion of military and security apparatuses and capabilities, which will be of significant interest and policy analysts.
International Journal of Middle East Studies