<p>"Le Goff is magisterial in his treatment of medieval documentary sources, and of modern historical debate."<br /> <b>Ashmolean Museum</b><br /> <br /> "<i>Money and the Middle Ages</i> provides those insights into the period which we associate with this master of historical writing."<br /> <i><b>Times Literary Supplement</b></i><br /> <br /> "Le Goff has produced a masterpiece: a work which brings together all the complex issues surrounding money and the ways it was conceived and utilized. At the same time he has succeeded in telling a story about individual people and their hopes and fears."<br /> <b>Michael Clanchy, University of London</b><br /> <br /> "In this sweeping essay, at once concise and inventive, Jacques Le Goff returns to a theme on which he has been writing for over fifty years: history, culture, and money. The argument is brisk, the examples wonderful, and his engagement with the material and religious contexts as vigorous as ever. This is still the Le Goff whose history-writing has proved so influential for two generations now."<br /> <b>John Van Engen, University of Notre Dame<br /> </b><br /> "A very clear and authoritative analysis of the perception and use of money across three very turbulent centuries of western European history"<br /> <b><i>MAKE Literary Magazine</i></b></p>