In July 2003, a conference was held at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), focusing on the people and land of Judah during the 5th and early 4th centuries B.C.E.— the period when the Persian Empire held sway over the entire ancient Near East. This volume publishes the papers of the participants in the working group that attended the Heidelberg conference.Participants whose contributions appear here include: Y. Amit, B. Becking, J. Berquist, J. Blenkinsopp, M. Dandamayev, D. Edelman, T. Eskenazi, A. Fantalkin and O. Tal, L. Fried, L. Grabbe, S. Japhet, J. Kessler, E. A. Knauf, G. Knoppers, R. Kratz, A. Lemaire, O. Lipschits, H. Liss, M. Oeming, L. Pearce, F. Polak, B. Porten and A. Yardeni, E. Stern, D. Ussishkin, D. Vanderhooft, and J. Wright.The conference was the second of three meetings; the first, held at Tel Aviv in May 2001, was published as Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period by Eisenbrauns in 2003. A third conference focusing on Judah and the Judeans in the Hellenistic era was held in the summer of 2005, at Münster, Germany, and will also be published by Eisenbrauns.
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‘We All Returned as One!’:Critical Notes on the Myth of the Mass Return Bob BeckingAchaemenid Imperial Policy, Settlement Processes in Palestine, and the Status of Jerusalem in the Middle of the Fifth Century B.C.E. Oded LipschitsConstructions of Identity in Postcolonial Yehud Jon L. BerquistRemapping Yehud: The Borders of Yehud and the Genealogies of Chronicles John W. WrightPersia’s Loyal Yahwists: Power Identity and Ethnicity in Achaemenid Yehud John KesslerThe ‘am ha’arets in Ezra 4:4 and Persian Imperial Administration Lisbeth S. FriedThe Borders and De Facto Size of Jerusalem in the Persian Period David UssishkinRedating Lachish Level I: Identifying Achaemenid Imperial Policy at the Southern Frontier of the Fifth Satrapy Alexander Fantalkin and Oren TalThe Religious Revolution in Persian-Period Judah Ephraim SternTyrian Trade in Yehud under Artaxerxes I: Real or Fictional? Independent or Crown Endorsed? Diana EdelmanThe Second Temple of Jeb and of Jerusalem Reinhard G. KratzRevisiting the Samarian Question in the Persian Period Gary N. KnoppersBethel: The Israelite Impact on Judean Language and Literature Ernst Axel KnaufCyrus II, Liberator or Conqueror? Ancient Historiography concerning Cyrus in Babylon David VanderhooftNeo-Babylonian and Achaemenid State Administration in Mesopotamia M. A. DandamayevNew Evidence for Judeans in Babylonia Laurie E. PearceNew Aramaic Ostraca from Idumea and Their Historical Interpretation André LemaireSocial Economic and Onomastic Issues in the Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century BCE Bezalel Porten and Ada YardeniPeriodization between History and Ideology II: Chronology and Ideology in Ezra-Nehemiah Sara JaphetThe Missions of Ezra and Nehemiah Tamara Cohn EskenaziThe ‘Persian Documents’ in the Book of Ezra: Are They Authentic? Lester L. Grabbe‘See, We Are Serving Today’ (Nehemiah 9:36): Nehemiah 9 as a Theological Interpretation of the Persian Period Manfred OemingSociolinguistics and the Judean Speech Community in the Achaemenid Empire Frank H. PolakBenjamin Traditions Read in the Early Persian Period J. BlenkinsoppThe Saul Polemic in the Persian Period Yairah AmitThe Imaginary Sanctuary: The Priestly Code as an Example of Fictional Literature in the Hebrew Bible Hanna LissIndex of AuthorsIndex of ScriptureIndex of Sites and Place-Names
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