"The editor uses a strong mix of biographies, memoirs and fictional accounts to breathe life into a love affair with flying. Terse, tight writing makes for fast-paced action: Eloquent prose recalls pioneers of flight."--The Post & Courier (Charleston, SC)
"The editor uses a strong mix of biographies, memoirs and fictional accounts to breathe life into a love affair with flying. Terse, tight writing makes for fast-paced action: Eloquent prose recalls pioneers of flight."--The Post & Courier (Charleston, SC)
"Every once in a while, a book publisher comes up with a great concept for a series of books that deserve more than superficial recognition. Such a series is "The Greatest (fill in the blank) Stories Ever Told", anthologies that should win places on many bedside tables. On the long winter nights that lie ahead, such stories make great reading."--The Lexington County Chronicle
"Another in Lyons Press's first-rate greatest stories series."--The Tampa Tribune