Pilger is the closest we have to the great correspondents of the 1930s... The truth in his hands is a weapon, to be picked up and brandished and used in the struggle against evil and injustice
John Pilger is the antidote to easy, comfortable thinking, to smugness, to ignorance
Daily Telegraph
Pilger's gift is for finding the image, the instant, that reveals all - he is a photographer using words instead of a camera
- Salman Rushdie,
John Pilger unearths, with steely attention to facts, the filthy truth and tells it as it is. I salute him
- Harold Pinter,
The array of interviews with the voiceless and abused provides an indispensable corrective to the litany of disinformation we are fed by the media, and for this achievement Pilger is surely the most outstanding journalist in the world today
An explosive read... powerful,compelling and questioning- a true reflection of the journalist himself
Birmingham Post
Compelling... provocative, argumentative and essential reading for those who wish to challenge their assumptions
Waterstone's Books Quarterly
World-class journalism
- Johann Hari, Independent
What makes John Pilger a truly great journalist is his conscience and bravery
- Martha Gellhorn,
Pilger's work has truly been a beacon of light in dark times
- Noam Chomsky,