"A must read for anyone interested in what is undeniable the greatest debate in American archaeology... Essential." Choice "The book is ... sharply written and narratively compelling." -- Mark Dailey Journal Of World History "A masterful exploration and encapsulation of the last two centuries of American archaeology and the first five millennia of the earliest Americans." American Scientist "Informative and entertaining." -- E. James Dixon Antiquity "A good review of topics and controversies surrounding the peopling of North America." -- Susan C. Vehik Great Plains Research "[Meltzer] has written the most in-depth synthesis of the history of the debate about the early peopling of North America yet published." -- Juliet E. Morrow Journal Of Iowa Archeological Society "Often lively and occasionally bemused, Meltzer's study-part detective story and part archeological research-is stimulating and sometimes tantalizingly controversial." Publishers Weekly: Nonfiction (2)