A long awaited book, I must say. Subtitled Arthurian Wargaming Rules AD 367-793, this set in written by one of the era's experts - and a gamer to boot - and marks Osprey's latest foray into the crowded rules market. Indeed 'period-specific' is the key - narrow focus and elegant rules to fit the period and small army size. The lists provide allies, and have 'early', 'middle' and 'late' options to ensure historical opponents, which is doubleplusgood. All the usual suspects are there in lists - plus the idea of 'Land' and 'Sea Raiding' variants, for when you want bards to write heroic poetry about you. Additional optional rules are there - I like the idea of 'mead' - plus a few sample scenarios (I like the 'end of reign' and 'bard's tales' ideas a lot). Although there's no 'potted history' to clutter space, the author's scholarship and knowledge shine through. Would I buy this book? Yes. Will I play the rules? Probably not. Will I pillage it for ideas? Already started. So even if you play WAB or Hail Caesar there is material to use - and, at ���12, well worth a purchase. That's the cost of about three pints of frothing mead in the warlord's hall that is The Featherstone Arms��� - Miniature Wargames.