Overview of the Cold War
Causes of the Cold War
Consequences of the Cold War
Acheson, Dean Gooderham (1893–1971)
Afghanistan War (1979–1989)
Arab Nationalism
Bay of Pigs (April 17, 1961)
Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1948–1949)
Berlin Crises (1958–1961)
Berlin Wall (August 13, 1961–November 9, 1989)
Brandt, Willy (1913–1992)
Brezhnev, Leonid (1906–1982)
Central Intelligence Agency
Churchill, Winston (1874–1965)
Civil Defense
Committee on the Present Danger
Communist Revolutionary Warfare
Congo Civil War (1960–1965)
Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962)
Dominican Republic, U.S. Interventions in
Dulles, John Foster (1888–1959)
Eisenhower, Dwight David (1890–1969)
Geneva Conference (1954)
Gorbachev, Mikhail (1931–)
Greek Civil War (1946–1949)
Gromyko, Andrey (1909–1989)
Helsinki Final Act (1975)
Hiss, Alger (1904–1996)
Ho Chi Minh (1890–1969)
Hoover, John Edgar (1895–1972)
Human Rights
Hydrogen Bomb
Indochina War (1946–1954)
Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908–1973)
Kennan, George Frost (1904–2005)
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917–1963)
Khrushchev, Nikita (1894–1971)
Kissinger, Henry (1923–)
Korean War (1950–1953)
Latin America, Popular Liberation Movements in
Malayan Emergency (1948–1960)
Mao Zedong (1893–1976)
Marshall Plan
Missiles, Intercontinental Ballistic
Moscow Meeting, Brezhnev and Nixon (May 22–30, 1972)
Mutual Assured Destruction
National Security Act (July 26, 1947)
National Security Agency
Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913–1994)
Non-Aligned Movement
North American Aerospace Defense Command
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, History of (1948–1990)
NSC-68, National Security Council Report
Nuclear Arms Race
Nuclear Tests
Partial Test Ban Treaty (August 5, 1963)
Peace Movements
Prague Spring (1968)
Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty
Reagan, Ronald Wilson (1911–2004)
Sakharov, Andrei Dimitrievich (1921–1989)
Sino-Soviet Split (1956–1966)
Solidarity Movement
Sputnik (October 4, 1957)
Stalin, Josef (1879–1953)
Strategic Air Command
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and Treaties
Strategic Arms Reduction Talks and Treaties
Strategic Defense Initiative
Tiananmen Square (June 4, 1989)
Tito, Josip Broz (1892–1980)
Truman Doctrine (March 12, 1947)
U-2 Incident (May 1960)
United Nations
Vietnam War (1957–1975)
Vladivostok Meeting (November 22–24, 1974)
Warsaw Pact
Washington Summit Meeting, Reagan and Gorbachev (December 7–10, 1987)
Yeltsin, Boris (1931–2007)
Declaration on Liberated Europe: The Yalta Conference (February 1945)
Ho Chi Minh: Telegrams to President Harry S. Truman (September 29, 1945, and February 28, 1946)
Winston Churchill: "The Sinews of Peace" (Iron Curtain Speech) (March 5, 1946)
George C. Marshall: Remarks by the Secretary of State (Marshall Plan) (June 5, 1947)
North Atlantic Treaty (1949)
Harry S. Truman: First U.S. Acknowledgment of Soviet Atomic Bomb Detonation (September 23, 1949)
Joseph McCarthy: Speech on Spread of Communism (February 20, 1950)
Harry S. Truman: Declaration of a National Emergency (December 16, 1950)
Douglas MacArthur: Post-Recall Speech to Congress (April 19, 1951)
Korean Armistice Agreement (1953)
Dwight D. Eisenhower: "The Row of Dominoes," Presidential Press Conference (April 7, 1954)
Warsaw Security Pact (1955)
Mao Zedong: "U.S. Imperialism Is a Paper Tiger" (July 14, 1956)
Imre Nagy: Final Message to the Hungarian People (1956)
Soviet Announcement of Sputnik (October 5, 1957)
John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address (January 20, 1961)
Vadim Orlov: Account of the B-59 Incident (1962)
John F. Kennedy: Commencement Address Announcing Cooperation with Soviets (June 10, 1963)
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Tonkin Gulf Resolution (August 7, 1964)
Chinese Announcement of Nuclear Test (October 16, 1964)
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (1968)
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I (May 26, 1972)
U.S. War Powers Act (November 7, 1973)
Yuri Andropov: Memorandum to Brezhnev on Afghanistan (December 1979)
Civil Defense Instructions for Home Fallout Shelters (1980)
U.S. Government: Disappearances and Human Rights, Three Document Excerpts (1980–1996)
Ronald Reagan: The "Evil Empire" (March 8, 1983)
Ronald Reagan: "Tear Down This Wall" Speech (June 12, 1987)
The Minsk Declarations (Dissolution of the Soviet Union) (December 8, 1991)
Competition Spurs Technology
Evolving East–West Relations
Proxy Wars and Military Aid
Ronald Reagan and the Cold War
Cold War Chronology
List of Editors and Contributors
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