"...illuminating study...Smith has managed to combine close textual analysis with a discussion of...issues...in a highly rewarding manner. There is an excellent index."--American Historical Review "Excellent documentation and challenging to theorists on classification systems."--Whalen Lai, University of California at Davis "Explains a complex and difficult subject in clear, simple language."--H.L. Seneviratne, University of Virginia "A helpful addition to our understanding of the development both of caste and the Hindu mindset. Well researched and documented."--Robert K.C. Forman, Hunter College "A creative and wide-ranging application of the idea that varna is the underlying classificatory principle of Indian society and thought."--Richard W. Lariviere, University of Texas, Austin "Impeccable scholarship--a truly original book. Smith writes clearly and elegantly, illuminating the complex sophistication of ancient Indian taxonomies, and bringing theory into the palpable, objective universe of flora, fauna, and people, where it belongs."--Indira V. Peterson, Mount Holyoke College Reviewed in Journal of the American Academy of Religion