“Hart has the gifts of a good advocate. He writes with clarity and force, and he drives his points home again and again. He exposes his opponents’ errors of fact or logic with ruthless precision.”—Anthony Kenny, <i>Times Literary Supplement</i><br /><br />“<i>Atheist Delusions</i> will be remembered as Hart’s breakout book. His contributions to such journals as <i>First Things</i> have long marked him as a rising public intellectual. . . . Hart’s work is now likely to come to the attention of a wider audience. And not a moment too soon.”—William L. Portier, <i>Commonweal</i><br /><br />“Few things are so delightful as watching someone who has taken the time to acquire a <i>lot </i>of learning casually, even effortlessly, dismantle the claims of lazy grandstanders. . . . Hart isn’t making a bid for wealth, fame, or cocktail-party acceptance: He knows whereof he speaks.”—Stefan Beck, <i>New Criterion</i><br /><br />“Anyone interested in taking the debate about God to the next level should read and reflect on Hart’s spirited brief on behalf of Christian truth.”—Damon Linker, <i>New Republic</i><br /><br />“It is a taut and tart introduction to the ideas that drove the Christian Revolution, fired by righteous anger and with an arsenal of learning that explodes off the page.”—Nick Mattiske, <i>The Lutheran</i> (Australian Lutheran Church)<br /><br />“A brilliant investigation of the current fad among intellectuals for atheism.”—<i>Contemporary Review</i><br /><br />“Entertaining and challenging, this book brings us back to what Christmas is about.”—Nick Baines, <i>Church Times</i> (Christmas Books)<br /><br />“A provocative work, vigorous, humorous, erudite.”—James R. A. Merrick, <i>Scottish Bulletin on Evangelical Theory</i><br /><br />“Takes no prisoners in its response to fashionable criticisms of Christianity.”—Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, <i>Church Times</i><br /><br />“With impressive erudition and polemical panache, David Hart smites hip and thigh the peddlers of a ‘new atheism’ that recycles hoary arguments from the past. His grim assessment of our cultural moment challenges the hope that ‘the Christian revolution’ could happen again.”—Richard John Neuhaus, former editor in chief, <i>First Things</i><br /><br />“A devastating dissection of the ‘new atheism,’ a timely reminder of the fact that ‘no Christianity’ would have meant ‘no West,’ and a rousing good read. David Hart is one of America’s sharpest minds, and this is Hart in full, all guns firing and the band playing on the deck.”—George Weigel, distinguished senior fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington<br /><br />“Surely Dawkins, Hitchens et al. would never have dared put pen to paper had they known of the existence of David Bentley Hart. After this demolition-job all that is left for them to do is repent and rejoice at the discreditation of their erstwhile selves.”—John Milbank, author of <i>Radical Orthodoxy: A New Theology</i><br /><br />“In this learned, provocative, and sophisticated book, Hart presents a frontal challenge to today’s myopic caricature of the culture and religion that existed in previous centuries.”—Robert Louis Wilken, University of Virginia<br /><br />“Provoked by and responding to the standard-bearers of ‘the New Atheism,’ this original and intellectually impressive work deftly demolishes their mythical account of ‘the rise of modernity.’ Hart argues instead that the genuinely humane values of modernity have their historic roots in Christianity.”—Geoffrey Wainwright, Duke Divinity School<br /><br />