'The translation reads well ... Riley's edition is ... the first edition to be readily available in English for the best part of 300 years.'
Stuart Brown, The Open University, BJHP 1993
'This translation, the first since 1695, has successfully retained the graceful lucidity and force of the original ... it is both close and accurate, and the decisions on the text to be used are justified ... important text ... This study must have been long pondered and carefully prepared.'
Basil Hall, Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. 44, No. 2, Oct '93
A most welcome piece of scholarship, and a timely reminder to the anglo-saxon world of the importance of this central, defining statement of malebranchisme in the history of modern philosphical and theological discourse ... the translation itself is engagingly limpid and precise, reflecting something of what Ginette Dreyfus called the "nudite" of the original.
British Journal for 18th Century Studies