Mouffe is unrepentant. Her new book, <i>Towards a Green Democratic Revolution</i>, maintains that left populism is more relevant than ever in light of climate breakdown and the Covid pandemic.
- Oliver Eagleton, New Statesman
<b>Praise for <i>For a Left Populism</i></b>
Influencing left parties as they enter government, from Greece to Portugal to Mexico. It is a beach-sized introduction to a major left thinker of the twenty-first century.
- Paul Mason, Guardian
An admirable attempt to get us thinking again about what a worthwhile politics might look like, one based on notions of equality, ecology, sovereignty, solidarity and social justice
- Gavin Jacobson, New Statesman
Refreshingly bereft of the sputtering outrage and bafflement that characterizes the growing genre of liberal self-help books, Mouffe channels populism's agonistic clarity
- Thea Riofrancos, n+1
<b>Praise for <i>Agonistics</i></b>
Mouffe represents a position that every serious student of contemporary political thought must acknowledge and come to terms with
Philosopher's Magazine