Thorough, well organized, and supplemented with copious notes and pie charts that give a visual breakdown of the philosophical and theological subjects covered in the Summa ... those looking for a comprehensive and accessible companion to Aquinass Summa could do no better
Davies has magisterially breathed a new life into the ancient and honourable genre of commentary on Aquinas's masterpiece, the Summa Theologiae. The commentary tradition is alive and well in the twenty-first century.
Bernard McGinn, Philosophical Investigations
Brian Davies takes the reader on a guided tour of the vast demesne of the Summa Theologiae with a lucid and patient commentary. He writes for the intelligent reader without any formal training in either philosophy or theology
the kind of audience, he believes, that St. Thomas himself had in mind. Nonetheless, his book contains a number of surprises even for those who are familiar with the landscape.Anthony Kenny, author of the four-volume series New History of Western Philosophy
Most of us engaged in studying Christian theology would of course say that Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae is a classic, an essential text, which we should all read and re-read. The truth is, however, that, while the clarity of the arguments and the systematic presentation are very attractive, most newcomers and even old hands need a good deal of help to keep going: no one is better qualified than Brian Davies, after years of teaching and writing about it, to guide us: the study of the Summa will be greatly facilitated and enriched by this excellent commentary.
Fergus Kerr, OP, Honorary Fellow, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh