Mariana Ortega
Notes on Contributors
Andrea J. Pitts and José Medina
Section I. Decolonial Movidas: Gender, Community, and Liberation
Chapter 1: Decolonizing Feminist Theory: Latina Contributions to the Debate, Linda Martín Alcoff
Chapter 2: Revisiting Gender: Toward a Decolonial Feminism, María Lugones
Chapter 3: From Women's Movements to Feminist Theories (and Vice Versa), María Luisa Femenías
Chapter 4: Enrique Dussel's Etica de la liberación, US Women-of-Color Decolonizing Practices, and Coalitionary Politics amid Difference, Laura E. Pérez
Chapter 5: Decolonial Feminist Movidas: A Caribeña (Re)thinks "Privilege," the Wages of Gender, and Building Complex Coalitions, Xhercis Méndez
Section II. Making Feminist Selves: Self-Authority, Affect, and Narrativity
Chapter 6: Philosophical Feminism in Latin America, Francesca Gargallo
Chapter 7: Crossroads and In-Between Spaces: A Meditation on Anzaldúa and Beyond, Ofelia Schutte
Chapter 8: "Remaking Human Being": Loving, Kaleidoscopic Consciousness in Helena María Viramontes's Their Dogs Came with Them, Paula M. L. Moya
Chapter 9: African, Latina, and Feminist: Marta Moreno Vega's Remembrance of Life in El Barrio in the 1950s, Theresa Delgadillo
Section III. Knowing Otherwise: Language, Translation, and Alternative Consciousness
Chapter 10: Latin America, Decoloniality, and Translation: Feminists Building Connectant Epistemologies, Claudia de Lima Costa
Chapter 11: Embodied Genealogies: Anzaldúa, Nietzsche, and Diverse Epistemic Practice, Natalie Cisneros
Chapter 12: Between Hermeneutic Violence and Alphabets of Survival, Elena Flores Ruíz
Chapter 13: Hallucinating Knowing: (Extra)ordinary Consciousness, More-Than-Human Perception, and Other Decolonizing Remedios within Latina and Xicana Feminist Theories, Pedro J. DiPietro
Section IV. Aesthetic Longings: Latina Styles, Bodily Vulnerability, and Queer Desires
Chapter 14: Stylized Resistance: Boomerang Perception and Latinas in the Twenty-First Century, Stephanie Rivera Berruz
Chapter 15: Deracializing Representations of Femininity and the Marketing of Latinidad: Zoe Saldana and L'Oréal's True Match Campaign, Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo and Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo
Chapter 16: Cámara Queer: Longing, the Photograph, and Queer Latinidad, Mariana Ortega
Chapter 17: Vulnerable Bodies: Juana Alicia's Latina Feminism and Transcorporeal Environmentalism, Julie Avril Minich
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