Whistler and Berger have done us a great service by showing us the whole span of Schelling’s genius. One comes away struck by the breadth and depth of Schelling’s thought, and also by its rigorous consistency. These translations, and the insightful commentary that accompanies them, should have a game-changing impact on Schelling studies in English.
Sean McGrath, Professor of Philosophy, Memorial University, Canada
Schelling is one of the greatest philosophers of all time, who provides illuminating views of every area of philosophy. Compared to other great German Idealists such as Fichte and Hegel, Schelling’s thought has been neglected, especially among English speakers. This judiciously chosen, thematically arranged collection of excellent translations makes an overview of Schelling’s philosophy accessible in English for the first time, bringing into view his dynamic conception of nature, his account of the unconscious, and his emphasis on the importance of art and myth in human life. This volume is an indispensable resource for anybody who is interested in nineteenth century European philosophy, in existentialism, and in the contemporary revival of post-Kantian Idealism.
Paul Franks, Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies and Judaic Studies, Yale University, New Haven, USA
Schelling is one of the most influential post-Kantian philosophers and this excellent collection now makes it possible for English-speaking readers to discover the impressive breadth, subtlety and originality of his thought. It contains well-chosen texts on a wide range of topics, from metaphysics and the philosophy of nature to aesthetics and politics, together with clear and accessible introductions and helpful suggestions for further reading. Berger and Whistler are to be congratulated on putting together an outstanding and very welcome volume.
Stephen Houlgate, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick, UK
The great virtue of Berger and Whistler’s anthology is to make clear the depth and extraordinary range of Schelling’s work, while providing newcomers and scholars alike with tools to understand the importance of one of the most difficult and influential post-Kantian philosophers. As the first English-language anthology of Schelling’s writings, The Schelling Reader will have a lasting impact on scholarship of German idealism, by enabling a new generation of readers to think with Schelling about topics in many areas of philosophy.
Karin Nisenbaum, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Boston College, USA
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Daniel Whistler is Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Liverpool, UK
Benjamin Berger is Instructor in Philosophy at Loyola University, Chicago, USA. He is the editor of the 26th volume of Pli (Schelling: Powers of the Idea, 2014)