Scholars will find this book an interesting read. -- Kristina Grob Feminist Review Blog Persuasive and well-reasoned -- J. Jeremy Wisnewski Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews This admirable book provides incredibly clear and lucid readings of texts that students find notoriously difficult... Highly recommended. Choice Nuanced and careful readings of Foucault, Butler, Habermas and Benhabib. -- Margaret A. McLaren Foucault Studies A pathbreaking and elegantly argued book. -- Jana Sawicki PhiloSOPHIA "[A] tour de force... The Politics of Our Selves forces its reader to think hard, and honestly to think through the implications of the glib stand-off between Foucault and Habermas that stands in for a much more meaningful dialogue that we rarely get to have. -- Cressida Heyes Philosophy and Social Criticism A remarkably comprehensive and very impressive treatment of many of the most vexing issues in contemporary critical theory. -- Moira Gatens European Journal of Philosophy