Contains all the major political, philosophical and educational writings of William Godwin, one of the foremost philosophers of his age. His work on government and individual freedom, "Political Justice", made him the chief exponent of English radicalism in the latter half of the 18th century.
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Contains all the major political, philosophical and educational writings of William Godwin, one of the foremost philosophers of his age. His work on government and individual freedom, "Political Justice", made him the chief exponent of English radicalism in the latter half of the 18th century.
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Volume 1: Political Writings The History of the Life of William Pitt; Earl of Chatham; A Defence of the Rockingham Party; Instructions to a Statesman; Contributions to the Political Herald and Review; Critique of the Administration of Mr Pitt; Grounds of a constitutional opposition stated; Genuine idea of a King of England; Letters of Mucius Volume 2: Political Writings Essay against reopening the war with France; Cursory strictures on the charge delivered by Lord Chief Justice Eyre to the Grand Jury; Considerations on Lord Grenville's and Mr Pitt's Bills, concerning treasonable and seditious practices, and unlawful assemblies; Thoughts occasioned by the perusal of Dr Parr's Spital Sermon; Letter to the editor of the Monthly Magazine; Introduction to a history of the Administration of 1806, Character of Mr Fox; Letters of Verax; Enquiry concerning population Volume 3 Political Justice (1st Edition, 1793) Volume 4 Political Justice: variants from the manuscript and subsequent authorial editions Volume 5: Educational and Literary Writings An Account of the Seminary; The Herald of Literature; The Enquirer; Essay of history and romance; Essay of scepticism; Preface to Bible Stories; Letters of advice to a young American; Appendix to The Enquirer Volume 6: Essays Essays on Sepulchres; Thoughts on Man Volume 7: Religious Writings Sketches of History in Six Sermons; Of Religion; The Genius of Christianity Unveiled
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'Mark Philp and the volume editors of the Political and Philosophical Writings are to be praised for the scholarly good sense with which they have ... enforced a selection which allows wide play to Godwin's talents' The Times Literary Supplement 'the real test for an editor is the handling of the three editions of Political Justice, 1793, 1796 and 1798, together with such manuscript drafts and later memos as are recovered here. As is to be expected, Philp passes this test with flying colours.' London Review of Books
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Editor Mark Philp is a Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford