`Hammond probably knows the Pensées better than anyone in England, and his use of Pascal's manuscript - his eye, for instance, for the significance of Pascal's erasures and rewritings - is particularly impressive ... his central claim ... is new and persuasive.'
Times Literary Supplement
Hammond is extraordinarily well-informed as to what mnodern editors and scholars have had to say about Pascal's language and modes of thought. As a result of all this we get an unusually clear appreciation of Pascal's resources and choices...This is a well-conceived and well-executed investigation. It deserves and will receive, I am sure, careful study. The author faces squarely issue after issue as they come up, resolving them judiciously along the line of thought that I have tried to indicate and always against his very rich background of reflection both on source materials and on recent critical discussions.
French ForumMLR 91.1
A refreshingly new angle of reading the text is ...persuasively presented here.
vigorous, rollicking stuff that reads very differently from Christopher Fry's free-verse adaptation.
Forum for Modern Language Studies