"In clear and accessible prose Dale Jacquette's Philosophy of Mind surveys the entire range of currently deliberated issues in this active field of investigation. Integrating a vast body of material from a unified and coherent perspective, Jacquette throws instructive light upon a varied panorama of key philosophical issues. A work of wide scope and deep insight, his book is a true landmark." - Nicholas Rescher, University of Pittsburgh, USA
"Dale Jacquette provides, in this much-expanded, much-reworked second edition of his 1994 Philosophy of Mind, an unusually helpful, clear, user-friendly compendium of the present state of play of the literature and treatment of the metaphysics of consciousness within the bounds of analytic philosophy. His book may well prove to be the most serviceable general introduction to the principal problems, arguments, theoretical options, and notable contributors to the field that one could possibly ask for. He puts an absolutely sprawling mountain of conceptual analysis into the simplest legible order. The discussion is remarkably straightforward, brief, to the point, very reliably informed, and generous in its coverage." - Joseph Margolis, Temple University, USA