This fine anthology of original essays constitutes a significant contribution to the growing philosophical and theological literature on existential gratitude. The authors represent a diversity of traditions and viewpoints, showcasing the broad range of issues and interests that come into play when considering this important topic. It deserves a wide audience and a place on graduate reading lists.
Travis Dumsday, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Concordia University of Edmonton, USA
<i>Philosophical Perspectives on Existential Gratitude: Analytic, Continental, and Religious</i> brings together nine provocative essays about existential gratitude. They shed light on existential gratitude from a variety of thought-provoking philosophical perspectives. The essays were a real addition to the existing literature on existential gratitude in psychology and interesting to read.
Lilian Jans-Beken, Independent Researcher, the Netherlands
This is an excellent collection. It demonstrates that philosophy becomes exciting and thought-provoking when a fundamental issue, such as existential gratitude, is addressed by first-rate scholars with diverse perspectives.
Yujin Nagasawa, H. G. Wood Professor of the Philosophy of Religion, University of Birmingham, UK
This rich collection of essays addresses an important and wide-spread phenomenon: existential gratitude. This phenomenon has not been sufficiently explored by philosophers, so this volume is timely. The contributors discuss existential gratitude by engaging with a wide array of philosophical traditions, periods, perspectives, and thinkers.
Klaas J. Kraay, Professor of Philosophy, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada