"...a straightforward and unpretentious sampler of what metaphysical positions one might hold now that the anti-metaphysical stances of a generation ago have been surpassed."--Donald Phillip Verene, Emory University<br /><br />"Metaphysics has been unduly neglected in our 'age of analysis.' The appearance of this new generation of philosophers in a single volume ought to convince all readers that speculative metaphysics is alive and well in America." --Andrew J. Reck, Tulane University<br /><br />" 'Metaphysics' is the name of a very important branch, really the central branch, of philosophy--important in itself and important for science and theology, in different ways. This book is useful as a sampling of recent philosophizing of a daring sort. It forces one to face the lack of consensus that seems inevitable, given freedom of discussion in primary philosophy."--Charles Hartshorne, University of Texas at Austin