What unfolds...is the passion of [Deleuze's] ideas and commitments as well as the dazzling originality of his work. -- Dorothea E. Olkowski International Studies in Philosophy Negotiations is perhaps the best short introduction to the thought of one of France's three most influential poststructuralist philosophers, Gilles Deleuze. Choice No one knows what distant posterity will remember of a body of work that contemporaries probably understand only a little. Thought, with Deleuze, is the experience of life rather than reason. La Monde Deleuze is not only on of the most influential of recent French philosophers but one of the most wide-ranging as well. The present volume, which consists mostly of interviews but also includes a few essays, describes his recent concerns. Deleuze gained attention with Anti-Oedipus (LJ 6/1/77), a radical criticism of psychoanalysis, written together with Flix Guattari. After an account of this work, Deleuze discusses his long collaboration with Guattari. Deleuze then shifts gears, and his analysis of the cinema, based on the philosophy of Henri Bergson, occupies center-stage. Deleuze's discussion of Michel Foucault (1926-84), a close friend, comes next; and the book concludes with a discussion of power in society, a main theme of Foucault's work. However diverse his interests, Deleuze has always remained a philosopher in the strict sense. The section of Deleuze's latest work that covers the history of philosophy, focusing on Leibniz, brings out this aspect of his thought. Recommended for academic libraries. Library Journal