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Jonathan Jacobs (PhD, University of Pennsylvania) is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Institute for Criminal Justice Ethics at John Jay College/CUNY. He is also a member of the Doctoral Faculty of Philosophy at CUNY. His most recent books are The Liberal State and Criminal Sanction: Seeking Justice and Civility, (Oxford University Press 2020) and Criminology and Moral Philosophy: Empirical Methods and the Study of Values (Routledge 2022). Jacobs has held Fulbright Scholar, NEH, and Earhart Foundation grants, and has been a Visiting Professor or Visiting Fellow at University of Edinburgh, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hebrew University, University of St. Andrews, Oxford Centre for Hebrew & Jewish Studies, and is a Life Member of Clare Hall, Cambridge. He is also the editor of the journal Criminal Justice Ethics.
Heinz-Dieter Meyer (PhD, Cornell University) is Professor of education at State University of New York (Albany). He has been Harman Fellow at Harvard University and received a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) award. He has taught at Goettingen University and been Visiting Professor at Penn State University, Beijing University, Boston University, and the East-West Institute (Honolulu). His recent publications include Knowledge and Civil Society (with Glueckler and Suarsana), 2021, and The Design of the University: German, American, and 'World Class' (Routledge 2017).