Diane Enns manages to strike a delicate balance between the intensely personal and the rigorously intellectual. She presents a profound meditation on love and its loss, passion and despair, risking everything and surviving despite everything. These are timeless, all-too-human topics. -- Mari Ruti, author of The Call of Character: Living a Life Worth Living Love in the Dark is engaging, developing fresh and bold perspectives that challenge the conventional interpretations of love. -- Linell Secomb, author of Philosophy and Love: From Plato to Popular Culture How can a philosopher who is heir of the Western tradition write of love without exceeding the fixed boundary that tradition posits between logos and eros? Moving beyond the confines of a disembodied and dematerialized order of reason, Diane Enns opens this reflection on love to the rich philosophical terrain of fiction, memoir, and poetry, allowing passion-her own and that of such thinkers as Augustine, Arendt, Kristeva, Cixous, and Gillian Rose-to infuse and inform her study. This is, indeed, philosophy by another name. -- Dawne McCance, author of Derrida on Religion: Thinker of Differance