"This time it's true; this really IS the book we have been waiting for. Since the publication of his magisterial Being and Event, we have been impatient to see what could not be foreseen: the way worlds look, according to Badiou. Logics of Worlds delivers a powerful theory of the uncanny appearance of truths; a rigorous polemic against the tedious nominalist-historicist materialism of our day; and a phenomenology every bit as impressive as Badiou's justly celebrated ontology." - Professor Joan Copjec, University at Buffalo, USA
... [provides] a comprehensive understanding of the French author's philosophical views... Responding to the problems raised in postmodern French thought, Alain Badiou's book offers an original rational scenario of interpreting them in a new key.
- The European Legacy, Vol. 16, No. 4,
Reviewed in Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory.