<p>'[…] ce riche volume est une mise au point utile, quant aux différents domaines de recherche actuelle concernant le roman français […]. L’ouvrage, pourvu d’un index très complet et d’une petite bibliographie des ouvrages les plus fréquemment cités […], s’impose comme un outil désormais indispensable aux chercheurs.'<br /><b><i>Eighteenth-Century Fiction, vol. 22, n° 3</i></b></p>
<p>'It is safe to say that, whatever one’s expertise or interest may be, it will most certainly be complemented by the reading of this collection. Stewart and Delon have compiled an ensemble of studies with breadth and depth. The perspectives they offer cannot help but excite the reader by the information contained therein as well as by the indication of avenues of inquiry that, even now, remain open and are beckoning.'<br /><b><i>New Perspectives on the Eighteenth Century</i></b></p>