Why is epistemic fallibilism a viable topic for Christian thought and cultural engagement today? Religious fundamentalists and scientific positivists tend to deal with reality in terms of “knockdown” arguments, and such binary approaches to lived reality have helped to underwrite the belligerence and polarization that mark this age of the social media echo chamber. For those who want to take both religion and science seriously, epistemic fallibilism offers a possible moderating stance that claims neither too much nor too little for either endeavor, nor forces a decision for one side over and against the other. This book uses this epistemological approach to fallibilism as a positive resource for conversations that arise at the intersection of philosophy, theology, and religion. The essays explore a range of openings into the interstices of these often siloed fields, with the aim of overcoming some of the impasses separating diverse ways of knowing. 
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Why is epistemic fallibilism a viable topic for Christian thought and cultural engagement today?
Chapter 1 - A Fallibilist Approach in the Age of COVID-19 and Climate Change.- Chapter 2 - The Many Faces of Fallibilism: Exploring Fallibilism in Science, Philosophy, and Theology.- Chapter 3 - “Fallibilism”, “problematization” and the “history of thought”.- Chapter 4 - Fallibilism: A Philosophical-Pneumatological Apologetic.- Chapter 5 - “Unworthy of the Earth”: Fallibilism, Place, Terra Nullius, and Christian Mission.- Chapter 6 - Apologetics and the Provisionality of the Living Jesus: Hans Frei’s Contribution.- Chapter 7- God’s Pneumatic Word and Faith, Hope and Love in a Fallible World.- Chapter 8.- A Pluralistic Pluralism - with Some Remarks on Fallibilism.- Chapter 9 - Restoring the Pro Nobis > Pro Me: A Translated Religion, Polycentric Ecumenism, and Moderate Fallibilism.
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Why is epistemic fallibilism a viable topic for Christian thought and cultural engagement today? Religious fundamentalists and scientific positivists tend to deal with reality in terms of “knockdown” arguments, and such binary approaches to lived reality have helped to underwrite the belligerence and polarization that mark this age of the social media echo chamber. For those who want to take both religion and science seriously, epistemic fallibilism offers a possible moderating stance that claims neither too much nor too little for either endeavor, nor forces a decision for one side over and against the other. This book uses this epistemological approach to fallibilism as a positive resource for conversations that arise at the intersection of philosophy, theology, and religion. The essays explore a range of openings into the interstices of these often siloed fields, with the aim of overcoming some of the impasses separating diverse ways of knowing. 
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“This work builds a truly interdisciplinary account of fallibility and its central role in epistemology and faith. … The work is solid and presented carefully. … The book is a fantastic read from which any scientist, philosopher or Christian would benefit.” (Sara Lumbreras, ESSSAT News & Reviews, Vol. 31 (2), June, 2021)
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"It is human to claim certainty, even though we may be mistaken. Recognition of the provisional and fallible character of our knowledge claims is important within science and scholarship, but also within society. Religion is a particularly fascinating domain, as one finds humility ‘before God’ alongside absolutism, ‘on behalf of God.’ Thus, respectful fallibilism may be of great moral and political value in a religiously pluralist world. The authors of this volume, from various backgrounds, offer very relevant explorations of this kind.” (Willem B. Drees, Professor of Philosophy of the Humanities, Tilburg University, the Netherlands)
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Explores epistemic fallibilism a viable topic for Christian thought and cultural engagement today Brings together scholars from Asia, Europe, and North America Engages with fallibilism in an interdisciplinary way
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Springer Nature Switzerland AG
210 mm
148 mm
Research, P, 06
Product language
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Om bidragsyterne

Thomas John Hastings is Executive Director of Overseas Ministries Study Center at Princeton Theological Seminary, USA.

Knut-Willy Sæther is Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at Volda University College, Norway.