Futures of Life Death on Earth intervenes with full force in the debate initiated by Derrida's soon to be published 1975-76 seminar entitled “Life Death.” Lynes comes to the table with a formidable grasp of the material, and a comprehensive understanding of both the broader context of the discussion, and its stakes for everything that goes by the names of biopolitics and ecology.
- David Wills, Professor of French Studies and Comparative Literature, Brown University,
Passionate about biocultural sustainability, Philippe Lynes explains why the notion of a viable future involves a maze of false-starts and detours that require careful navigation. Lynes brings a refreshing perspective to the relevance of Derrida’s work for an ecological ethics, and his scholarly agility makes this book an invaluable companion for ecocriticism in the very broadest sense.
- Vicki Kirby, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, University of New South Wales,
Through a careful re-reading of Derrida’s works, Philippe Lynes elaborates an original notion of a “General Ecology”, showing how eco-deconstruction can be an effective and unavoidable means to think and face the so-called “sixth mass extinction”, also known as the Anthropocene extinction. The constant confrontation with the contemporary debate makes this book a compass to orient us in the time to come.
- Francesco Vitale, Senior Lecturer of Aesthetics, University of Salerno, Italy,
Drawing, with both precision and breadth, on the work of multiple theorists, Lynes develops what he calls a “general ecology” based on the work of Jacques Derrida. This is a timely study, a book with and for a future.
- Dawne McCance, Distinguished Professor, University of Manitoba,