Free Will and Illusion is a large, ambitious, and thoughtful book which takes the debate in new directions, while also illuminating more traditional puzzles Smilansky devotes considerable space to a subtle and thorough exploration of the role of illusion in our views about free will ... A distinctive and helpful feature of Smilansky's approach is to widen the scope of free will to include issues in 'distributive' as well as 'retributive' justice.
John Martin Fischer, Times Literary Supplement
We should recognize the interest and power of Smilansky's project (and achievement) integrating the concern with the possibility of (genuine) agency into the concerns of applied philosophy.
Graham McFee, Res Publica
I enjoyed this book ... Smilansky shows a remarkable breadth of learning and an admirable ability to address what needs addressing without engaging in make-work projects. The second half of the book, devoted to Illusionism, is interesting reading.