Nancy Fraser is among the very few thinkers in the tradition of critical theory who are capable of redeeming its legacy in the twenty-first century.
- Axel Honneth,
For more than a decade, Nancy Fraser's thought has helped to reframe the agenda of critical theory.
- Etienne Balibar,
Nancy Fraser challenges us to reactivate the audacious spirit of second-wave feminism. Analyzing an imaginary aimed at eradicating exploitation as well as subjugation, she offers a rousing conclusion as to how we might mobilize feminism's best energies against the perils of the neoliberal present.
- Lynne Segal,
Nancy Fraser is one of the most creative social philosophers and critical theorists of her generation.
- Cornel West,
<i>Fortunes of Feminism</i> goes a long way in bringing together Fraser's substantial body of work on redistribution and recognition . Scholars interested in these themes will find this invaluable - or at least they should.
- Gwendolyn Beetham, THES
Fraser asks: What became of feminism in the wake of the neoliberal turn?.This book is required reading for feminists of all persuasions, and for a broader audience of left readers who want to get an overview of feminist political and philosophical debates.[Fraser] helps us think about the crucial question of where the women's movements in all of their varieties are going. Equally crucially, she helps us to ask what the relationship of such movements is, should be, or could be, to the left broadly defined, in an era in which war and austerity threaten all of the modest social justice gains of the Golden Age.
- Hester Eisenstein, Science and Society