Myles Burnyeat (1939-2019) was a major figure in the study of ancient Greek philosophy during the last decades of the twentieth century and the first of this. After teaching positions in London and Cambridge, where he became Laurence Professor, in 1996 he took up a Senior Research Fellowship at All Souls College, Oxford, from which he retired in 2006. In 2012 he published two volumes collecting essays dating from before the move to Oxford. Two new posthumously published volumes bring together essays from his years at All Souls and his retirement, some of which have hitherto been unpublished. Volume 3 introduces Plato's Republic and examines his subsequent interpretation, and shows how ancient philosophical thinking can be applied to contemporary questions about key philosophical and psychological topics. Volume 4 focuses on Plato's and Aristotle's handling of important concepts in epistemology, metaphysics and science, and introduces the early history of Greek optics.
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Volume 3. Introduction; Part I. The Republic: 1. Plato on why mathematics is good for the soul; 2. Long walk to wisdom; 3. The truth of tripartition; 4. Plato and the dairy-maids: the distribution of happiness inside and outside the ideal city of the Republic; 5. Justice writ large and small in Republic IV; 6. Fathers and sons in Plato's Republic and Philebus; 7. By the Dog; 8. Culture and society in Plato's Republic; Part II. The Past in the Present: 9. Plato; 10. James Mill on Thomas Taylor's Plato; 11. What was 'the common arrangement'? An inquiry into John Stuart Mill's boyhood reading of Plato; 12. The past in the present: Plato as educator of nineteenth-century Britain; Appendix: The Archaeology of Feeling; Volume 4. Introduction; Part I. Ontology and Epistemology: 1a. Apology 30b2-4: Socrates, money, and the grammar of γίγνεσθαι; 1b. On the source of Burnet's construal of Apology 30b2-4: a correction; 2. Plato on how not to speak of what is not: Euthydemus 283a-288a; 3. Platonism in the Bible: Numenius of Apamea on Exodus and eternity; 4. Kinêsis vs. energeia: a much-read passage in (but not of) Aristotle's Metaphysics; 5. De Anima II.5; 6. Aquinas on 'spiritual change' in perception; 7. Epistêmê; Part II. Physics and Optics: 8. ΕΙΚΩΣ ΜΥΘΟΣ; 9. Aristotle on the foundations of sublunary physics; 10. Archytas and optics; 11. 'All the world's a stage-painting'.
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Collects important papers, some previously unpublished, on Plato, Aristotle, central topics in ancient philosophy, and its later reception.


Cambridge University Press
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Myles Burnyeat was formerly Laurence Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and a Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford. Carol Atack is a Fellow of Newnham College, Cambridge. She is the author of The Discourse of Kingship in Classical Greece (2020) and an associate editor of Polis. She previously worked with Myles Burnyeat in the preparation of The Pseudo-Platonic Seventh Letter (2015). Malcolm Schofield is Emeritus Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of St John's College. He was co-editor with Myles Burnyeat and Jonathan Barnes of Doubt and Dogmatism (1980), the first volume of the published proceedings of a series of triennial conferences on Hellenistic philosophy that continues to the present. His most recent book is a survey of Cicero's political thought (2021). David Sedley is Laurence Professor of Ancient Philosophy Emeritus at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Christ's College. He was an editor of Classical Quarterly and Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. His books include (with A. A. Long) The Hellenistic Philosophers (Cambridge, 1987) and Creationism and its Critics in Antiquity (2007).