‘This revision and update of David Cooper’s clear and careful reconstructive introduction to existentialist philosophy can only strengthen the impression the original gave that questions raised by existential thinkers are those on which all the larger philosophical debates converge. With its supplements on religion, politics and art, and a closer look at the Heidegger-Sartre link, the book is now an even more formidable challenge to those who still doubt this philosophy’s credentials.’ <b>– Alastair Hannay</b>, University of Oslo<br /> <p>‘In this clear and superbly written book, David Cooper provides a thematic presentation of the central ideas of existentialism. He has produced an invaluable work for students and general readers who can appreciate a well-argued, straightforward account of existentialism that does not sacrifice the richness of the ideas that make the philosophy of existentialism so engaging.’ – <b>James Risser</b>, Seattle University</p>