This book offers an overview of methods and approaches within the quickly growing field of ethics and technology. The book studies, amongst others, developmental and feminist perspectives, the topics responsibility and privacy, and case study methodologies. This book fills a major gap and will be an extremely helpful resource for scholars, students and practitioners working in this field.
- Sabine Roeser, Head of the Ethics and Technology Section of TU Delft,
This volume, edited with major contributions by Sven Ove Hansson, a leading philosopher of technology, significantly advances ethical reflection on multiple manifestations of technology. By exploring such perspectives as those offered by sustainability and distributive justice, the tools of case study and responsibility analysis, and the phenomena of emerging technologies, the fifteen original essays collected here open a number of new vistas. The sixteen contributors also bring together new with more established contributors to the philosophy of technology. This is a book that will serve its intended audience well.
- Carl Mitcham, Colorado School of Mines,
This exciting volume has contributions from some of the leading scholars in the field. Every chapter is well-grounded in ethical theory, while displaying keen insight into practical matters. Readers seeking an orientation to the ethics of technology are provided with accessible introductions to many key topics, while those with more experience will discover novel ideas and new angles of approach. Highly recommended for both personal libraries and classroom applications.
- Paul Thompson, W. K. Kellogg Chair in Agricultural, Food and Community Ethics, Michigan State University,
This excellent collection covers a wide range of issues revealing what an incredibly complicated topic the ethics of technology is. The papers included here make the case for a new discipline. The ethics of technology is not to be subsumed under standard ethical theories, nor treated as merely applied ethics. Because it involves both the technologies we create and the societies in which we live, the topic is too important to be swept under some inappropriate label and considered handled. What Hansson has done here is lay the foundations for returning philosophy to the job of helping people live in the world. The importance of this task cannot be under-estimated.
- Joseph C. Pitt, Virginia Tech,