"Informed, clear, and highly illuminating discussion."--Philosophical Review
"The most balanced, thorough, and compelling treatment of the issues to date....This is an important study and will be a standard reference for years to come."--Choice
"A competent, technically detailed, and unpolemical exposition of contemporary currents of thought on this perenially engaging topic....Rewards the reader with frequent bursts of incisive commentary."--The Thomist
"A reliable, often insightful, introduction to these debates."--Times Literary Supplement
"Zagzebski is a rigorous, careful thinker. She has produced a truly stimulating book. It deserves close attention and will amply repay it."--Ethics
"I know of no other book that so clearly sets forth the full range of traditional and contemporary perspectives on the foreknowledge dilemma. It will therefore prove to be of great value to the philosophical community."--Review of Metaphysics
"As will be apparent, the sensitive eliciting and application of various intuitions plays an important role in Zagzebski's book. I believe this is a real strength of the work....This is a remarkably inventive book, and in addition a genuine pleasure to read. It should be enjoyed by all philosophers who are even mildly interested in the dilemma of freedom and foreknowledge.:Philosophy of Religion
This work is a welcome addition. It is one of the two or three best book-length treatments of the subject of the past two decades and is especially useful as an introduction to the recent literature ... Zagzebski's interpretations and criticisms of various theories are sometimes controversial, but always stimulating ... it is an interesting work, informative and thought-provoking, and is highly recommended to those who want to familiarize themselves with the latest work on this perennially fascinating topic.