Sixty years ago, Elizabeth Anscombe called for a more advanced moral psychology to support virtue ethics. Developing the Virtues answers that call with a thoughtful, engaging collection of essays, representing different perspectives on developing virtue, with high integrity to the disciplines they represent. I recommend this book to anyone working in the field of virtue ethics, and to anyone interested in virtue for its own sake.
Christopher Fowles, Journal of Moral Philosophy
Developing the Virtues is a nice example of the benefits of cross-disciplinary dialogue. The essays here do real work. Interestingly, they are surprisingly readable. Perhaps this shouldn't be so surprising given that they were first presented as talks to an audience (even though an academic one) and that the audience was an interdisciplinary mix of academics. Usually collections from academic conferences are too esoteric for a general reading audience. But I think intelligent general readers interested in what academic have to say about virtue development might find this volume interesting and useful.
Ben Mulvey, Metapsychology Online Reviews