A remarkable dictionary arranged creatively and rigorously by concept-terms in such a way that the distinct expertise of multiple distinguished scholars inflects each concept. -- Eleanor Kaufman, University of California, Los Angeles If the philosophy is the strata or plane for the production of concepts, this new revised Deleuze Dictionary is philosophy at its most creative: here key concepts from Deleuze's writings are illuminated and made to undertake new work, opening up new questions and new provocations. Strongly recommended both for those new to Deleuze's rich writings and to those already familiar with and excited by his profoundly original thought. -- Elizabeth Grosz, Rutgers University A remarkable dictionary arranged creatively and rigorously by concept-terms in such a way that the distinct expertise of multiple distinguished scholars inflects each concept. If the philosophy is the strata or plane for the production of concepts, this new revised Deleuze Dictionary is philosophy at its most creative: here key concepts from Deleuze's writings are illuminated and made to undertake new work, opening up new questions and new provocations. Strongly recommended both for those new to Deleuze's rich writings and to those already familiar with and excited by his profoundly original thought.