If Walter Rodney's assassins were under the impression that they could arrest the flow of his ideas by destroying his body, they could have not been more wrong ... In the context of the new resistance to global capitalism, his captivating analysis resonates more than ever before.
- Angela Davis, author of <i>Women, Race and Class</i>,
Rodney's perspective is alive, dazzling with the potential of revolution.
- Vijay Prashad, author of <i>The Poorer Nations</i> and Director of the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research,
Highly original ... It is very rare to find a thinker in the contemporary world who is equally committed to both theory and action and perhaps Rodney is one those few who does it seamlessly and that is what marks him as unique.
- Viswesh Rammohan, Marx & Philosophy
Walter Rodney galvanised liberation by awakening radical Pan-African consciousness ... [<i>Decolonial Marxism</i>'s] messages are consequential for our day and age.
- Donari Yahzid, Race & Class
Decolonial Marxism offers an essential corrective to popular misrepresentations of the legacies of Marxist thought and its alleged incompatibility with anticolonial struggles.
- Shozab Raza and Noaman G. Ali, Boston Review