Modest, independent, and devastatingly humorous, Jean's work transmitted the lost urbanity of the mid-20th century while speaking of and into the future.
- Chris Kraus,
What can one say of Baudrillard? His strange and striking apercus captured the moment, and his predictive powers, as a man who saw early on the rise of the media state, were unique.
- Kathryn Bigelow,
<i>For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign</i> (1972) and <i>The Mirror of Production</i> (1973) constitutes, in my view, his most substantial contribution to philosophy, and deserves to be better known. From today's perspective, Baudrillard may seem a more significant prophet than he appeared at the time.
Philosophy Now
The most notorious intellectual celebrity to emerge from Paris since Roland Barthes and the most influential prophet of the media since Marshall McLuhan.
i-D magazine
Superstar of the simulacrum, shaman of the virtual, evangelist of the hyperreal.
- Geoff Dyer,
The most important French thinker of the past twenty years.
- J.G. Ballard,
The David Bowie of philosophy
The Guardian