Europe today is not Weimar, but Weimar is not as far away as we might believe, is one of several memorable conclusions in this impressive volume which sheds historical light on today’s European crisis. Kjaer and Olsen have gathered and guided an outstanding team which provides deep and new insights on a phenomenon which accompanies modernity since early on.
- Bo Stråth, Professor Emeritus in Nordic, European and World History, University of Helsinki,
An important new set of contributions that brings historical and critical depth to the understanding of the current polymorphous yet interlocked European crises. The combination of descriptive and normative approaches, drawn from a variety of disciplinary fields (law, sociology, history and critical theory), provides a unique outlook on the structural problems and contradictions that make up Europe’s overall crisis of public power. A must-read for future studies of the European drama.
- Antoine Vauchez, CNRS Research Professor, Université Paris 1-Sorbonne,
This book is interesting for readers who are curious about ‘the current hegemonic order’, in connection with the still ongoing crisis and in relation to the concrete historiographical practice of interdisciplinarity, beyond the dominant and exclusive specialities.
European Review Of History