The letters provide intriguing insights into Reid's philosophical and scientific development but, as expected when studying a body of correspondence, one is most struck by the endearing elements of personality that filter through the letters!The critical material presented by Wood is invaluable. He appends nearly sixty pages of explanatory notes to these letters in which he does everything that one could reasonably expect an editor of such a volume to do The latest volume of the Edinburgh Edition of Thomas Reid collects 103 letters from Reid, twenty-one letters addressed to him, and seven letters which are neither by Reid nor addressed to him, but which touch closely on aspects of his life or writings! thirty-four of the letters from Reid, and nineteen of those to him, are previously unpublished ! Paul Wood's beautifully edited volume [where possible] has returned to the manuscripts. The result is an exceedingly clean text of every extant letter to or from Reid. Explanatory and textual notes for each letter are given at the end of the book and are always helpful.