Cicero: Political Philosophy, with its densely yet subtly inter-connected chapters, excellent bibliography, and phenomenal choice of quotations from the largest body of work of a single author to come down to us from Graeco-Roman antiquity, is no exception in this and exceptional in its field.
Gavin M. Stewart, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
Malcolm Schofield has now given us the ideal introduction to Cicero's political thought ... The book throughout is marked by very thoughtful attention to the needs of the non-specialist reader.... Schofield has managed to produce a concise and judicious guide to all the main issues and debates. It is far more than just a clear summary, though. It is, in the best sense, a critical introduction, one that engages as well as informs the reader, and it now takes its place as the best modern account of its kind.
Jeremy Mynott, Classics for All
Cicero is detailed, challenging, and fascinating, offering a thorough account of Cicero's political thought that is both situated within his particular and disruptive historical context and in constant dialogue with modern political theory ... This is a masterful and lively study, which will be of value to all those with an interest in ancient political philosophy, and, indeed, Republican politics and history.
Jenny Bryan, Greece & Rome